Return and Refund
Shopping with Aica Bathrooms, you are always protected, if you want to return your item, you are always welcome to do it. Some other retailer allows customer to return in 28days, but Aica Bathrooms has 180days allowance for you.
To return an order you must contact us, in the email please quote your order reference and explain what makes you return your order or item.
Requirements for returning your purchasing:
- Must be happening in 180days
- Must be purchased from Aica Bathrooms Limited
To get a refund, customer must meet the return reasons below:
- Item is faulty, can’t be installed or not fit for its purpose
- Item is wrong
- Item is not the same as description
- Item is damaged by transit
- Any other reasons please communicate by email
Customer can return by yourself or let Aica Bathrooms to pick it up and we would recommend customer to choose Aica Bathrooms to return your items. Aica Bathrooms sends its own courier to pick up the items,customer can leave it to us with no risk, if it is returned by 3rd party courier, it will be risk in damaging by transit and damaged return won’t be accepted by us.
Return postage is paid by customer unless the item is faulty/wrong or not the same as description.
To make this procedure smoothly please communicate with us in advance and explain completely with photos or video evidence,otherwise this may take longer than your expectation to sort out your situation.
Most of the return situations are not items not fitting correctly or mistakenly, Aica Bathrooms will investigate all return case and provide a best solution for customers.
Contact email: